Medical Association of Lower Saxony - Organisational Structure and Tasks

About us

The Medical Association of Lower Saxony (Ärztekammer Niedersachsen) is a public corporation responsible for the medical self management. Its work is based on the "Chamber Law for Health Care Professions" (Kammergesetz für die Heilberufe).


Every physician within the federal state of Lower Saxony is member of the Medical Association. At present the Medical Association has more than 41.500 members.

Hannover, capital of Lower Saxony, is the seat of the Medical Association with branches (Bezirksstellen) in 11 cities throughout the state.

The chamber assembly (Kammerversammlung) is the parliament of the Medical Association.

The executive committee (Vorstand), consisting of seven physicians chaired by the president, Dr. med. Martina Wenker, and the management board (Geschäftsführung) together are responsible for the overall administrational work.

Expert groups (Sachgebiete) deal with specialized questions. Further working groups (Ausschüsse) and commissions (Kommissionen) care for different aspects within the medical profession.

Our tasks

  • Promoting health prophylaxis of the population and cooperating with other health care professions
  • Representing the professional interests of physicians as well as consulting politics and administration
  • Supervising fulfilment of physicians’ professional duties
  • Promoting that physicians are on good terms with each other
  • Taking care that the professional code of conduct is maintained
  • Promoting medical education and continuous education
  • Ruling medical continuous education and promoting this through information and consultation
  • Developing and carrying out means for securing quality in medical treatment
  • Organizing the education of medical assistants
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